Does Google Have the Secret to Living Longer?

By | 23:08 Leave a Comment
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Mashable - Along the lines of self-driving cars and smart glasses, Google’s newest venture promises to wow the tech scene. Only, it’s not quite tech, at least in the traditional sense. The venture is called California Life Company, or Calico for short, and its goal is to extend human life by 20 to 100 years. It sounds surreal, until consider that we already extended human life by 20 years over the past century. The average girl born today will live to be 100, a once outlying achievement.
So will they do it?
Here are 5 other moonshot projects Google has been associated with:

Climate Insurance
Read more here.

Future Prediction
Read more here.

Body Mapping
Read more here.

Space Elevator
Read more here.

Read more her

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