PlayStation 5 Concept Unveiled

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The PlayStation 4 is just out of fans already imagine concepts that could provide the next generation of consoles betting on the most advanced technologies at present. Discover What the work of David Hansson after imagining what could be the PlayStation 5. 

Discover so with this short video What the concepts created from scratch artist David Hansson based on the latest technology and equipment that manufactures Sony today . It is worth a visit because the concepts are true to the tradition of Sony consoles, with inspiration from the old design of the PS3 but also with a mixture of Logitech Xbox hardware .
A futuristic concept PS5 could also think the concept taken directly from Tron : Legacy , console and controllers are equipped with rather flashy and futuristic neon blue . The console itself is very thin and angular, reminiscent of a technology that could be manufactured by Protoss for example , which looks more like a piece of ultra- modern architecture as a console.

An overview of the DualShock controllers 5 remain very faithful to the spirit of the current DualShock , with very round ends promise a good grip. This grip is precisely the spirit of Xbox , also with buttons to the right more and more rounded protruding on the surface and the real triggers rather very successful for once . In terms of angular and futuristic shapes of the console, the body of the handle and trigger , they are clearly in the spirit of the latest designs from Logitech. A final concept also draws attention : all the touch controller. Achievable by Sony Xperia with technology, it promises nothing in terms of gameplay but puzzling about what is possible to obtain, given that the DualShock 4 already has a touchpad.

 And equipment ? The PlayStation 4 is already a very good console, what is the best right now in terms of graphics processor and power , which is why the concept of PS5 is rather exciting. Forecasts are launched to find out what will run with the new gear , ready to achieve : RAM 16 GB GDDR5 ? A processor with sixteen hearts?

[via Deviantart]

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