You Probably Wouldn’t Even Realize What Makes This Dog So Incredible

By | 06:25 Leave a Comment
The Panda Paws Rescue is an organization in Washington dedicated to helping out our furry friends who need to find forever homes. Recently, they posted a video online of a rescue dog named Duncan Lou that immediately won over the hearts of anyone who saw it. (Seriously, get ready to fall for this dog.)
Duncan the boxer and his friend Mane were playing on the beach, but that’s not what will make you fall hopelessly in love with Duncan.
Neskatoties uz to ka sunim... Autors: Raacens Ko tādu sanāk redzēt reti..

Viņa saimnieki kuri... Autors: Raacens Ko tādu sanāk redzēt reti..

Dunkana saimnieks sakrāja... Autors: Raacens Ko tādu sanāk redzēt reti..

And that never once has stopped him from being AWESOME.

Seriously, who loves life more than this two-legged dog?

No one. That's who.
Panda Paws Rescue said that Duncan was born with severely deformed rear legs. Those legs had to be removed. Duncan Lou was provided with a special doggie wheelchair to use, but he hated it. No one could contain Duncan – he wanted to run free!
“He has a wheelchair, but can’t stand to use it,” they wrote in the video description. “So we let him be free and just walk on his two legs.”
His adorable attitude is something you need to see for yourself. Watch him run in the video below:

Source: Panda Paws Rescue

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