Robotic MuscleThese muscles have employed the use of vanadium dioxide and its unique properties which allow for such a miracle to occur. This compound is capable of changing from an insulator to a conductor at a temperature of 67 degrees Celsius. The transition results in huge quantity of strength. Berkeley Labs had this to say about the robotic muscle strength; ‘able to catapult objects 50 times heavier than itself over a distance five times its length within 60 milliseconds — faster than the blink of an eye.’
Now just imagine a robot pulling off such a feat. The Berkeley labs are sure that this invention will be fueling the limbs of the future, the ones which are robotic in nature. They are also pinning their hopes to this invention in context of breaking through and coming up with a new volume of energy-efficient electronics. Muscles that employ vanadium dioxide have successfully been tested at 200,000 RPMs and you’d be surprised to know that there was no breaking down of any kind whatsoever.
RobotsThe future sure looks bright. However, we would strongly suggest that you do not anger these robots or we might have to look for you all over the city.