Here are 20 of the happiest smiling animals that have ever been caught on film

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It’s no secret that animals are happier than we are. They don’t worry about bills, breakups or any of the nonsense we have to. All they have to do is show up, be cute and be happy. If you want to learn a thing or two about living a happy life, just look at your animal friends!
Here are 20 of the happiest smiling animals that have ever been caught on film. WARNING: their happiness is contagious.

This froggy has a happy secret.
What a humorous hyena!
Someone has a case of the giggles!
That was a knee-slapper!
Wanna be my friend?
I may be little, but my smile is BIG.
Otter LOLS!
This is what a contented smile looks like.
Big cats have big cat GRINS.
This guy could put anyone in a good mood.
Purrrrrrrfect smile, kitty.
Baby elephants generate happiness.
Oh my! Are these for me?!
This goat kid isn't kidding, he wants you to smile!
Just keep swimming, just keep smiling!
(H/T Twenty Two Words)
It has been proven that owning a pet can lower your blood pressure. Even if these happy little guys weren’t a fix for all of your problems in life, hopefully they put a big ole grin on your face!
If you loved these animals, spread the happiness by sharing them with others.


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